is now available for All Up Bet !!

Settle football All Up bets at Early Settlement value before the respective matches stop selling

Applicable to All Up bets formed with “single selection” or “multiple selection” included on selected matches anytime before respective bets stop selling(except for Tournament Bets)

More flexibility to support your betting strategy

Eligible for account bets placed on all digital channels

Settle football All Up bets at Early Settlement value before the respective matches stop selling

Applicable to All Up bets formed with “single selection” or “multiple selection” included on selected matches anytime before respective bets stop selling(except for Tournament Bets)

More flexibility to support your betting strategy

Eligible for account bets placed on all digital channels only
Special Notes

Q & A

What is Early Settlement? How to play?
This service is applicable to eligible single bets and All Up bets on designated matches covering Pre-event, In Play and Extra Time bet types (except Tournament Bets, such as To Qualify and Champion).
Early Settlement allows customers to settle a football bet before the match stop sells at an Early Settlement value proposed by the Club at the time of request via all digital betting channels*.
Early Settlement values will change according to the match status at the time of request, which will be less than the maximum dividend of the Football Bet and may be lower or higher than the value of the Football Bet.
When customer settles an All Up bet early, all remaining bets will be settled altogether.

When can I Early Settle a bet?
Bets that are eligible for Early Settlement will be displayed under the “Early Settlement” section in the digital betting channels*.
If the bet is temporarily unavailable for Early Settlement, a suspended indicator will be displayed.
Early Settlement will be available during the following period:
- For Pre-Event matches (no In Play Betting):
- You can Early Settle a bet before stop selling of a match
- For In Play Betting matches:
- You can Early Settle a bet during pre-event and In Play Betting (including bets for Extra Time) before stop selling of a match
- Early Settlement are available for the following Pre-event bet types: First Scorer, Specials and Same Game All Up. Early Settlement for pre-event selling can only be applied before the match enters In Play Betting
- For All Up bet:Please refer to Q20 - Q26
*Due to technical and other factors, the Club does not guarantee the availability of Early Settlement service at all times.

Which bets are eligible for Early Settlement?
Early Settlement service is applicable to single bets placed via all digital betting channels* on designated matches covering Pre-event, In Play and Extra Time bet types, and the All Up bets which legs have not been settled that have fulfilled above conditions.
Early Settlement service is not applicable to Tournament Bets and To Qualify betting.
Early Settlement service may not be available during offering period due to factors including time delay, Early Settlement proposed value fluctuations and bet type suspension. Refunded bets are not eligible for Early Settlement service.
*Due to technical and other factors, the Club does not guarantee the availability of Early Settlement service at all times.

Which betting channel will offer Early Settlement?
Customer can early settle eligible single bets and All Up bets via all digital betting channels*.
Early settlement service is not available in Retail and Telebet betting channels.

Why was my Early Settlement request rejected?

Is Early Settlement available for all customers?
Account betting customers can enjoy Early Settlement via all digital betting channels* by placing Pre-event, In Play and Extra Time football match bet types’ single bets and All Up bets placed via any digital channels*.
Early Settlement service is not applicable to account bets and cash bets placed via Retail and Telebet betting channels.

Why can’t I early settle my single bet?
Early Settlement service is only applicable to eligible single bets placed via digital bettingchannels* on designated matches covering Pre-event, In Play and Extra Time bet types.
Similar to bet placement, there will be periods of time which Early Settlement service may not be available. Some of the common examples are:
- After pre-event match stopped selling but there is no In Play betting for the match
- In Play bet type(s) of corresponding match stopped selling
- Results confirmed but the bet has not been settled
- Match abandoned

My bet is settled via Early Settlement. Will the final match result affect my settled bet? If the match result suggests my settled bet is a winning bet, will I be able to receive the dividends?
Upon acceptance of Early Settlement Proposal, match results and any subsequent events will have no impact on the accepted Early Settlement value. Early Settlement value requested by a customer is the total value that will be credited to the customer's betting account.
Customers will not be able to receive dividends again even if the match results suggest the original bet is a winning bet.

How do I know if my Early Settlement request have been accepted?
If your Early Settlement request has been accepted, the acceptance message will be displayed on the Early Settlement page, and you can check the settled bets via:
- “Settled” page under “Early Settlement”
- “Account Records”

If the value is updated when I make a request for Early Settlement, will the system automatically accept my Early Settlement request with the updated Proposal?
No, your Early Settlement request will not be automatically accepted.

Can I request Early Settlement on a refunded bet?
No, refunded bets are not eligible for Early Settlement service.

What are the benefits of Early Settlement?
Early Settlement enables customers to settle their bets early if they wish so, thereby locking in the payout amount or reducing potential losses.
Early Settlement increases flexibility in placing bets, helping customers to fine-tune their betting strategies and enjoy a more satisfying experience.
“Securing Profit”:
Home team leads the first half with 2:1 while a key player with injury is out during stoppage time.Customer A bets $1,000 on Home Team Win with odds 2.27. [i.e. HAD H@2.27 $1,000]
Customer A settles the bet at Early Settlement proposed value of $1,763.3 during the match to secure the dividend (Note: Once the bet is settled, customer will not be able to get the maximum dividend of $2,270 even if the match result is Home Team Win).
“Minimizing Loss”:
Home team scores another goal to 3:1 near the end of second half.Customer B bets $1,000 on Away team Win with odds 2.5. [i.e. HAD A@2.5 $1,000]
Customer B settles the bet at Early Settlement proposed value of $80 near end of the game. This helps him to avoid losing the whole unit bet ($1,000) without any dividend even the match result is Draw or Home Team Win.

How would I know if the match offers Early Settlement?
Early Settlement service is available on matches with the green Early Settlement icon.
*Due to technical and other factors, the Club does not guarantee the availability of the Early Settlement feature, even if any medium indicates the availability of the Early Settlement feature in connection with a Match.

Where can I find the bets eligible for Early Settlement?
Bets that are eligible for Early Settlement will be displayed under the “Early Settlement” section in the digital betting channels*.

What are the numbers displayed on the Early Settlement tabs?
The numbers on the tabs (Single, All Up, In Play, Winning) denotes the number of bets eligible for Early Settlement, whereas the number on the Settled tab denotes the number of bets early settled in current login session.

Why is the Early Settlement button disabled and does not display Early Settlement value?
When the system is unable to retrieve the Early Settlement value, the button will be disabled. The value will be displayed after the page has been refreshed.

If abnormalities is experienced while waiting for settlement result, how would I know the Early Settlement result?
If customer experiences abnormalities while waiting for the Early Settlement results, customers are advised to check the result on Account Records.

Why I cannot see all the eligible bets on Early Settlement page?
If the number of Early Settlement bets exceeds the page display limit, the system will display bets with nearest expected stop selling time. The remaining bets will be displayed when those bets are settled.

If "Early Settlement" page is not found on eWin, what can I do?
If customer cannot find the "Early Settlement" page on eWin, press "F5" or “Shift + F5” keys to refresh the page.

Is Early Settlement service applicable to all All Up bets?
Early Settlement service is only applicable to All Up bets with the below conditions:
- All Up bets placed via digital betting channels* on designated matches covering Pre-event, In Play and Extra Time bet types.
- All the outstanding bet(s) of the All Up Bets which have not been settled for designated matches

When a leg of my All Up bet is payout, is the partial paid dividend included in the Early Settlement value?
The proposed Early Settlement value is calculated for all the bets which have not been settled. The settled dividends or refunded amount are already credited to customer’s betting account.

Can I split my All Up bet to request for Early Settlement service?
No, the proposed Early Settlement value is calculated for all the bets which have not been settled. When customer early settles an All Up bet, all remaining bets will be settled altogether.

Where can I find my All Up bet for Early Settlement?
The tabs in Early Settlement page are enhanced for customer to easily monitor their bets and perform Early Settlement. Customer may check all available Single and All Up bets for Early Settlement in “Single” and “All Up” tabs respectively. All Up bets are displayed in “In-Play” when there is any leg of the bet which is still in In-Play. And “Winning” tab is listing the bets with Early Settlement value in profit.

Why can’t I find my All Up bet in Early Settlement page?
Early Settlement service is not applicable to the below All Up bets:
- All Up bets in Cashbets and/or Account betting in On Course, OCBB or placed via Telebets
- All Up bet is formed by non-designated matches for Early Settlement
- Any non-designated match which is included and outstanding in your All Up bet for Early Settlement

Why my All Up bet is not available for Early Settlement?
Early Settlement service may not be available for your All Up bet when any legs are:
- In Play match stopped selling
- Correlated bet types temporarily stoped selling
- After Pre-event match stopped selling but there is no In Play betting for the match
- •Result confirmed but the bets have not been settled
- Match abandoned

What information is in All Up page?
Bet details: The legs of All Up bet are listed, and that the leg(s) or selection(s) which the corresponding bet type(s) have been settled will be grey.
Match Information: The Kickoff time of correlated matches, running score and match result are displayed.
Early Settlement value: The proposed Early Settlement value is calculated for all the bets which have not been settled. The winning dividends or refunded amount for the settled leg(s) are already credited to customer’s betting account.
Early Settlement values will change according to the status of correlated matches at the time of Early Settlement request.

Why I cannot early settle my bets for First Half bet types (e.g. FHAD) when the match is near end of first half?
Early Settlement is not available for the bets of First Half bet types when the match is near end of first half and corresponding bet types are already stop selling.
*All digital channels includes Classic 3-in-1 and eWin
Important Notes
- Unless the context otherwise requires, terms used in this notice shall have the same meanings as defined in the Football Betting Rules. By using the services for football betting via any software application, on any web browser or any other medium, a customer is deemed to have accepted and shall be bound by the terms and conditions in this notice.
- Early Settlement value of a Football Bet requested by a customer is the total amount that will be credited to the customer’s betting account upon acceptance of the Early Settlement Proposal.
- The Early Settlement value will be less than the maximum Dividend of the Football Bet and may be lower or higher than the value of the Football Bet.
- The Early Settlement value for an All Up bet does not include dividends for the settled leg(s).
- The proposed Early Settlement value is calculated for all bets which have not been settled. When a customer early settles an All Up bet via Early Settlement, all remaining bets will be settled altogether.
- Early Settlement is only available for designated Matches and bet types (including single and/or All Up bets) placed via digital channels, such as Classic 3-in-1 and eWin. Please refer to FAQ for the Early Settlement service details.
- Upon acceptance of Early Settlement Proposal, results of a Match and any subsequent events will have no impact on the accepted Early Settlement Proposal.
- An Early Settlement Proposal is subject to factors including time delay, price fluctuations and bet type suspension, under which the Early Settlement Proposal may not be successful.
- The Club does not guarantee the availability of the Early Settlement feature, even if any software application, any web browser or any other medium indicate the availability of the Early Settlement feature in connection with a Match.
- The Club reserves the right to suspend or disable Early Settlement at any time.
Photo for reference only
All Football Bets are subject to the Football Betting Rules of HKJC Football Betting Limited. This promotional publication is for reference only and does not constitute any advice, and in the event of any inconsistency with the Rules, the Rules shall prevail.

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